K1 Speed
Following up on our previous announcement, we’re proud to announce another Banquet supporter, K1 Speed. K1 Speed is our venue of choice for our annual karting series. There, you will find super peppy & fun electric go-kart racing on technically challenging tracks! Big thank you to Raelyn at K1 Speed for supporting our efforts. Again, we’re humbled by continued support by so many great companies like K1 Speed.
Don’t miss your chance to win free races at K1! You can get tickets to our 8th Annual Awards Banquet here!
2011 DP Banquet Charity Drive
By popular demand, once again we will be supporting a selected charity at the banquet. This year, we will be putting together care packages for homeless veterans. We will be filling shoe boxes with everyday necessities that so many of us take for granted.
Please join in our efforts by bringing a few of these items with you to the banquet and drop them in the donation box at check-in.
Here is a list of items we’re hoping to include in these careboxes:
- shampoo (travel-size)
- detergent (travel-size)
- face wash
- deodorant
- AA batteries
- toothpaste
- body powder
- baby wipes
- flushable wipes
- beef jerky
- listerine
- granola bars
- hand warmers
- gum
- magazines
- mints
- books
- tissue
- hard candy
- sunblock
- powdered drinks
- trail mix
- pens
- slim jims
- notebook
- sunflower seeds
- chapstick
- shoeboxes (to fill with these items)
Thank you all for your support. See you at the Banquet!